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libressl Secure Sockets Layer and cryptography libraries and tools
libretls Port of libtls for OpenSSL
libsecp256k1 Optimized C library for EC operations on curve secp256k1
libsecret GObject based library for accessing the Secret Service API
libsodium Library for build higher-level cryptographic tools
libssh SSHv2+v1 protocol library
libssh2 SSH2 protocol library
libstark Library for succinct non-interactive zero knowledge proofs
libtasn1 ASN.1 structure parser library
libtcpa TCPA libraries and test programs from IBM
libtomcrypt Tom St Denis's cryptographic library
libuecc Very small Elliptic Curve Cryptography library
libykneomgr Yubikey NEO C library and command-line tool
libyubikey Yubikey library
log2timeline Framework for automatic creation of a super timeline
logcheck Auditing tool for system logs on Unix boxes
lsh SSH2 client/server
lua-arc4random Lua wrapper for arc4random(3)
lua-argon2 Lua C binding for the Argon2 password hashing algorithm
lua-bcrypt Lua wrapper for the bcrypt password hashing function
lua-cyrussasl Cyrus SASL library for Lua 5.1+
lua-ossl Comprehensive OpenSSL module for Lua
lua-sec Lua binding for OpenSSL library
lxqt-openssh-askpass Tool used with openssh to prompt the user for a password
lxqt-policykit Policykit authentication agent
lxqt-sudo LXQt GUI frontend for sudo
lynis Perform security health scans
mate-polkit MATE desktop environment Authentication Agent for PolicyKit
mbedtls Lightweight, modular cryptographic and SSL/TLS library (2.x branch)
mbedtls3 Lightweight, modular cryptographic and SSL/TLS library (3.x branch)
mcrypt Replacement to crypt(1), supports many crypto algorithms
md4-collision MD4 Collision generator
md5-collision MD5 Collision generator
mdigest Calculates a message digest
merkletree Library and utility to calculate merkle trees
metasploit (V) Exploit-Framework for Penetration-Testing
mhash Hash algorithms library
minisign Dead simple tool to sign files and verify signatures
mirrordir Directory mirroring tool
mit-krb5 MIT Kerberos 5 authentication system
mit-krb5-appl MIT Kerberos 5 authentication system applications
mixmaster (V) The Mixmaster anonymous remailer client
monocypher Easy to use, deploy and auditable crypto library
mozilla-rootcerts Root CA certificates from the Mozilla Project
mozilla-rootcerts-openssl Wedge for installing and managing mozilla-rootcerts
msu Mini passwordless su
msudir Easy setuid script management
multigest Library and utility to calculate multiple message digests
munge Authentication service for creating and validating credentials
nacl Secure, usable, fast networking and cryptography library
netpgp PGP signing, verification, encryption and decryption program
netpgpverify Standalone PGP and ssh signature verification utility
nettle Cryptographic library
netwib (V) Network library providing network functionality for developers
netwox (V) Toolbox that helps to find and solve network problems
nfsbug NFS security verification suite
nikto URL scanner used to search for known vulnerable CGIs on websites
nuclei Fast and customizable vulnerability scanner
oath-toolkit OATH (Open AuTHentication) Toolkit
oauth2c User-friendly CLI for OAuth2
ocaml-cryptokit Cryptographic primitives library for Objective Caml
ocaml-safepass Safe storage library for user passwords in web applications
ocaml-ssl SSL library for OCaml
ocserv (V) SSL VPN server
olm Implementation of the Double Ratchet cryptographic ratchet
opencdk Open Crypto Development Kit
openct Smart Card Reader drivers and middleware
opendnssec OSS for a fast and easy DNSSEC deployment
opendnssec2 OSS for a fast and easy DNSSEC deployment
opendoas Execute commands as another user
openpam Open-source PAM library
opensaml Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML)
opensc Smart Card drivers and middleware
openssh Open Source Secure shell client and server (remote login program)
openssl Secure Socket Layer and cryptographic library
oqs-provider Open Quantum Safe provider for OpenSSL
oqtplayer (V) Small OpenQuickTime (TM) player, using SDL
osv-scanner Vulnerability scanner written using the OSV project
otpCalc OTP and S/Key calculator for X
p0f Passive OS fingerprinting tool
p11-kit PKCS#11 module manager
p5-Apache2-AuthCASSimple (V) Apache2 module to authenticate through a CAS server
p5-AuthCAS AuthCAS - Client library for CAS 2.0 authentication server
p5-Authen-CAS-Client Perl 5 module providing an interface for JA-SIG's CAS
p5-Authen-Htpasswd Interface to read and modify Apache .htpasswd files
p5-Authen-PAM Authentication via PAM
p5-Authen-PluggableCaptcha Perl5 module implementing a pluggable Captcha framework
p5-Authen-SASL Perl module to handle SASL authentication
p5-Authen-SASL-Authd Perl module to handle SASL auth via Cyrus saslauthd or Dovecot
p5-Authen-SASL-Cyrus Perl module to handle Cyrus protocol for SASL authentication
p5-Authen-Simple Simple and consistent framework for authentication
p5-Authen-TacacsPlus Perl extension for authentication using tacacs+ server
p5-BSD-arc4random Perl interface to the arc4 random number generator
p5-Bytes-Random-Secure Perl extension to generate cryptographically-secure random bytes
p5-ClamAV-Client Client class for the ClamAV clamd virus scanner
p5-Crypt-Blowfish Perl5 Blowfish implementation
p5-Crypt-Blowfish_PP Blowfish encryption algorithm implemented purely in Perl
p5-Crypt-CAST5 (V) Perl5 CAST5 block cipher implementation
p5-Crypt-CAST5_PP The CAST5 block cipher, implemented in pure Perl
p5-Crypt-CBC Perl5 cipher block chaining mode for various crypto algorithms